The purpose of the PPG is to help the Practice shape and develop the range of services we offer and the way they are provided. We try to involve a diverse range of patients to obtain views from right across our patient population.
The group has a membership of 10 people and this is reviewed annually or when there is a vacancy.
If you are interested in joining or assisting the PPG, complete the form online or ask for a form at reception.
We keep a waiting list of people who have expressed an interest and if there is a vacancy or the PPG needs additional help on specific issues you will be contacted.
Examples of the type of help the PPG might need are: help with the annual patient survey, promoting online services, raising awareness, the use of social media and providing feedback on specific issues.
Also please see our PPG Facebook page which contains useful information and is managed by the PPG
Links to PPG information:
PPG Notes of Meetings
Minutes of all our meetings in the last 3 years can be found below.
24th September 2024 (PDF, 98KB)
5th April 2023 (PDF, 77KB)
11th January 2023 (PDF, 76KB)
9th November 2022 (PDF, 95KB)
13th July 2022 (PDF, 89KB)
6th April 2022 (PDF, 57KB)
26th January 2022 (PDF, 22KB)
6th October 2021 (PDF, 19KB)
2nd June 2021 (PDF, 71KB)
3rd March 2021 (PDF, 72KB)
2nd December 2020 (PDF, 35KB)
9th September 2020 (PDF, 36KB)
10th June 2020 (PDF, 45KB)